Betco’s GE Fight Bac RTU Offers Sustainable Disinfection in 5 Minutes

So much of the conversation around disinfectants rightfully focuses on efficacy against viruses and bacteria, but we must also be mindful of the impact the cleaning chemicals we use have on the environment. GE Fight Bac RTU from Betco allows you to kill over 99.9% of bacteria and viruses in under 5 minutes while having a reduced impact on the environment.

Betco disinfectant in Bismarck

GE Fight Bac RTU Features

This solution is suitable for use on hard and soft surfaces, and the citric acid active ingredient is non-irritating. That means no harsh fumes for the user! It sanitizes soft seconds in just 60 seconds and is certified by the EPA’s Design for the Environment. GE Fight Bac RTU is gentle on fabrics and cleans even glass without streaks or residue. It can even be used as a food contact sanitizer with no rinsing or wiping required.

What is Design for the Environment?

GE Fight Bac RTU has earned its DfE (Design for the Environment) logo. This means it is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency to be in the least-hazardous classes and is unlikely to have carcinogenic or endocrine disruptor properties. It is also certified unlikely to cause developmental, reproductive, mutagenic or neurotoxicity issues and has no unresolved or unreasonable adverse effects reported.

Versatility for Any Application

GE Fight Bac RTU is perfect for use with nearly any application tool in small, medium and large areas. With diverse packaging sizes available, you have the freedom to choose what’s best for your facility.

Safest Active Ingredient

Citric acid, the active ingredient in GE Fight Bac RTU, is one of the safest, most versatile disinfecting active ingredients currently available on the market today. It tops the list in terms of both environmental and health considerations.

Interested in learning more how GE Fight Bac RTU can help keep your facility safer and healthier while doing less harm to the environment? Click here to learn more and order online today!